Sunday, October 10, 2010

Little Bugs Preschool

Our Little Man on his first day of school

Last week was Wesley's first week of Preschool! I can't believe he is already in his second year, and next year he'll be attending Kindergarten! Time flies by so quickly! This year I decided not to send him back to his first Preschool and switched him to one that my neighbor does out of her house. There were a couple of things that appealed to me, one being that the 4 yr olds went for 3 days instead of 2, and the second being that Miss Ammber lives right down the street! I get to walk him to school every day and I'm really enjoying the one on one time with him!

Wesley is so excited to be in school again! That goes for me too :). Wesley truly has a love for learning. He has been obsessed with writing his name recently, and he has gotten really good at writing a lot of other letters and numbers. I am so proud of the improvements he has made over the past year. He is a little smarty pants, if I do say so myself! One thing that I really want to improve on is working with him after school. Last year he wouldn't really talk about what he learned at school. This year (although he's only gone for a week), we talk about all the things he learned about on our walk home. He is retaining a lot more than he did last year and I can't wait for him to start reading!

Lately,Wesley is looking so much older to me!

Wes the Goofball


Anonymous said...

1st. Love that little guy! So stinkin cute!
2nd. I am in love with your wreath! I have been wanting to make one!

Megan D. said...

So cute! He's getting big! I like your candy corn wreath too - did you make that?

Jillyan said...

I did make my wreath! Got the idea from All Things Thrifty :)