Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Late night feedings+house/yard work+working out = EXHAUSTION!

I am officially feeling exhausted!!! I feel like I have so many things to do and so little time. I probably should be doing something more productive instead of writing this post. The first cause of my exhaustion is Beckett. He is still struggling at night. He decided that he ONLY will sleep if I am holding him. Can we say spoiled? And the funny thing is that I rarely hold him while he's sleeping during the day. He doesn't seem to have any separation anxiety during the day. Just at night. I will finish feeding him and he will be completely zonked out, even snoring recently (he has a cold and is stuffy). The second I put him down, his eyes pop open, and he is wide awake and fussy. He also hates it to be completely dark. I usually end up leaving the tv or a light on. I am going crazy! I don't know how to break him of this habit. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am probably only getting an average of 5 hours of sleep a night. I know that isn't too horrible, but if you know me well, you know I LOVE my sleep.
I have also been crazy busy getting things ready for Beckett's blessing this Sunday. We are having everybody over afterwards, and so Rob and I have been busy getting our house and yard presentable. I spent all day Saturday planting flowers in our front yard, and the crazy wind yesterday pretty much destroyed most of them. What a waste of time and money! I knew I should have waited. Luckily I didn't plant all of them, so at least there will be some flowers that don't look dead. Since we have been spending so much time on the outside of our house, the inside has looked like a tornado for the past week. I finally had some time to pick it up yesterday, but of course Wes has destroyed most of it today. I think I might wait until Saturday night to clean again. And on top of all that, I have tried to find time to go to the gym. I have tried to catch up on my zzzz's during the day, but my mind keeps racing and I think of all the things I could be doing instead of napping.
And the craziness won't end on Sunday. I have a crazy week next week as well. I have a Modbe party, and I am also participating in the Oh Sweet Sadie! Art and Gift show next weekend. Which, by the way you should come to. Even if you don't need a Modbe swim suit. My friend Maren will be there with her fabulous jewelry. There will also be: original artwork, home decor, homemade candy, quiet books, hair clips and bows, gowns, baked goods, games, toys, and so much more! I have shopped at this show for the past year and finally decided to take part in it. They even have a supervised playroom for the kids!
Here are some fun pictures from this past week:
He went from smiling to being scared in two seconds! I love his face in the picture below!

My little neice Kendra broke her nose a couple of weeks ago and had to have surgery. We went and visited her yesterday.

P.S. Check out my studly nephew's graduation pics!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back to the gym...

On Monday it begins! I have my 6 week postpartum doctor's appointment that day, and hopefully I will be cleared to start working out again. I have really missed going to the gym the past month and a half. I faithfully worked out my entire pregnancy. Up until the week before I had Beckett. I truly believe I had a great pregnancy because I worked out. I didn't gain as much weight and I felt GREAT compared to my pregnancy with Wesley. These past six weeks I have felt lazy and overweight. I am sure some of you are saying "Well, you just had a baby!" And yes that's true, but it still doesn't help the way I feel about myself. After I had Wes, I had lost half of my baby weight by my 6 week check up. And I hadn't done anything. I actually ate like crap for those 6 weeks straight! So I was stoked to had already lost that much weight. The only problem was that I didn't start working out and we ate out all the time! I was the heaviest I had ever been in my life! I had Wesley in July, and finally in February I decided I didn't want to be overweight anymore. When I finally weighed myself, I weighed just as much as I did at my last doctor's appointment before having Wesley. I had gained those 20 lbs back. I was discouraged, but I knew that things would only get better. By July I had lost almost 60 lbs! I felt great. I was back down to the size I was when I married Rob. Which was the same size I had been all through high school and college. I couldn't believe I had lost that much weight in only 5 months.

5 lbs away from my goal, I found out I was pregnant. It was sort of shock, but we were happy. I was a little disappointed because I knew that all my hard work had gone right out the window. But I was determined not to gain as much weight as my last pregnancy, and I was determined to continue going to the gym. I accomplished both. The only thing I wish I would have done differently was to eat healthier than I did. I have to admit, I ate whatever I felt like. I had an excuse...I was pregnant. And most of you women will agree, you really don't feel like eating healthy when you're pregnant. You want things that are fatty, fried, sugary, and sweet! Well, I'm not pregnant anymore. I have no excuse to continue eating that way. I have to admit, I did eat pretty unhealthy the few weeks after having Beckett. But it didn't help that people were bringing us cookies, cakes, and whole pies. And then we had Easter and my mom gave us a years supply of candy.

This past Monday, Rob and I began our diet once again. I don't really think of it as a diet. We are just eating healthy food. Most diets consist of Rabbit food. Ours consists of breakfast burritos, healthy omlets, fruit, vegetables, yummy sandwiches and salads, lean hamburgers, lots of chicken and rice, and for Rob fish. I actually love eating all of the food on our list. The only downside is that our grocery bill doubles in price. Why is it SO expensive to eat healthy? You would think that fattening food would be more expensive, but I guess that's why it is so tempting to so many of us. Rob has already lost 3 lbs since Monday. Hopefully, I have lost a couple as well. I am a little terrified to get on the scale on Monday, but I know I won't have nearly as much weight to lose as last time. So, it is back to the gym for me. I am pretty excited to embark on this new healthy journey. I hope that I can get back down to where I was, and hopefully lose 10 to 15 more lbs. My motivation is my two new swimsuits. I can't wait to wear them and feel great. I just wish I had somewhere tropical and warm to where them. (Rob-hint, hint) So...wish me luck. I hope I can be as determined and motivated as last year.

I am a little embarrassed to post this picture. But I am hoping it will give me motivation. I also failed to mention that Rob lost 35 lbs as well.
Thanksgiving 2006
September 2007

Friday, April 18, 2008


I/Wesley was tagged awhile ago and I'm just getting around to it. I thought this was a pretty cute tag. It's actually a kid tag. The way this one works is you are supposed to write 8 facts about your child. Here we go!

Wesley Robert Smith
(aka Wes, Lil' Man, Stink Bug, and Bugaboo)

1. Wesley is almost 22 months old and definitely acts his age! He wants to do everything his way or no way. He loves to push my buttons. He can be so sweet and other times a complete terror! But we love him always!

2. He loves to dance! Put on any one of his favorite songs (Gwen Stefani's Sweet Escape or Hey Ya by Outkast) and he goes crazy! It is the cutest thing ever!

3. He is our little Parrot. He has been since he was about 9 months old. He can and will repeat anything we say. He probably said 10- 15 words by his first birthday, and now probably knows 100+ words. Our favorite saying at the moment is: "Are you kidding me? Huh?" It is hilarious! The story behind him learning it is pretty hilarious as well.

4. He is obsessed with the movie Finding Nemo. I blame it all on my parents. We used to watch it 2-4 times a day. We tried getting him hooked on The Bee movie, and it worked for about a week. But then it was back to Nemo. It was the first thing he would ask for in the morning. He maybe only watches it a couple of times a week now.

5. Wesley's favorite foods are: Quesadillas, Chicken Nuggets and French Fries, Mac & Cheese, and any type of fruit. (Healthy I know!)

6. He has the funniest personality! He has since day one. He is always cracking us up with his little sayings and actions. He keeps me entertained every single day.

7. He loves to sing. Especially primary songs. I would always sing "I am a Child of God" when he was fussy as a baby and he would always calm down. Now we sing it with him every night before he goes to bed. Another one of his favorites is "Popcorn Popping."

8. He loves to play with his two best buddies, Rowie and Carter.

Now we are tagging Rowie, Rigby, Joshy, and Katelyn.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Pics

Here are the pictures that go along with my previous post.

Rob, Me, TJ, and Lynette

Savanah, Jacob, Tyson, Jenny, and Heather My cute parents and Beckett
The Wes Man Kendra and Savanah
A baby giraffe and his Mom. This is the best picture I could get. The baby giraffe was camera shy.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quarter of a Century

Saturday was my 25th birthday. I honestly can't believe that I am a quarter of a century old. I definitely don't feel 25. But then I look at my life and what I have accomplished, and it makes sense. The only real significance to this birthday, is that I can now rent a car and not be charged extra. My birthday this year was actually one of the best birthdays I have ever had! I love having my birthday on the weekend, because then you can celebrate ALL weekend long. We started the birthday festivities on Friday night. We went to dinner with my whole fam for my birthday and my sister Heather's birthday (which was today). We went to Robintino's which is my favorite restaurant. Heather and I take turns choosing the place and this year was my turn. We had a great time and the food was DELICIOUS!

Then on Saturday, Rob and I took the boys to the Zoo. It was such a beautiful day! It started out a little chilly, but warmed up as the day went on. It was fun to see Wesley's reactions. He loved going last year, but was even more into the animals this year. The highlight of the day was the Tiger. Every time we went last year the tiger was ALWAYS sleeping. Well this time, we got there just as he woke up to grab a drink. Then he went right back up to his shaded area and fell back a sleep. We caught him just at the right time. Wes' favorite part was probably the penguins. They were entertaining. That night my Mom was kind enough to watch both of the boys while Rob and I went out on a date. It was our first kid-free date since Beckett was born. We had such a great time! We thought about going to Vegas, but instead grabbed dinner at Pei Wei and then went and saw "Leatherheads." It was a pretty fun movie. We liked it. Today we went to my parents to our weekly Sunday dinner, but my Mom made all of Heather's favorites, which were mine too. We topped off the weekend with birthday pie. What a great birthday weekend! I want to thank my family again for all the great gifts! And another Happy 32nd Birthday to Heather!

I tried to post some pictures from this weekend, but for some reason Blogger was having issues. I will try and post them tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fun filled Conference Weekend

This weekend was a ton-o-fun! Not only was it Conference weekend, it was also filled with a lot of fun activities. On Friday, we went with our friends, the Arbuckles to Red Robin for dinner. To my surprise, Wesley was well behaved during dinner. Maybe because him and Carter were entertained by their Dads teaching them how to blow the straw wrappers at each other. After dinner we headed to Hollywood Connection to take the boys on some fun rides. I was interested to see how Wesley would do, but he had a blast! The only ride he was scared of was the Crazy Bus. It was nice to sit and visit with Jessica, while our husbands played with the boys. Beckett was really good and slept pretty much the whole night.

On Saturday, we spent most of the day at home watching General Conference. It was really neat to sustain our Prophet and Apostles in the Solemn Assembly that morning. I love to listen to all the general authorities. Conference always gives me a spiritual boost! I especially loved the talk by Elder Ballard on Sunday afternoon. We have a conference tradition that I love. While the men go to Priesthood session, us ladies (+ the kids) go to Leatherby's for a delicious dinner, and then the men meet us afterwards for ice cream. If you have never been, Leatherby's has the best ice cream in Utah! My fav is the Tracy's Peanut Butter Cup sundae. It is to die for! Then on Sunday morning, we always go over to my parent's house to watch conference and have a delicious Brunch! It was such a great weekend! But I am definitely looking forward to this weekend as well.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Check it out...

Besides Andee, we also had Heidi from Stylehouse Photography take some pictures of our sweet Beckett. She put a couple of preview photos on her blog. Check them out!