I have also been crazy busy getting things ready for Beckett's blessing this Sunday. We are having everybody over afterwards, and so Rob and I have been busy getting our house and yard presentable. I spent all day Saturday planting flowers in our front yard, and the crazy wind yesterday pretty much destroyed most of them. What a waste of time and money! I knew I should have waited. Luckily I didn't plant all of them, so at least there will be some flowers that don't look dead. Since we have been spending so much time on the outside of our house, the inside has looked like a tornado for the past week. I finally had some time to pick it up yesterday, but of course Wes has destroyed most of it today. I think I might wait until Saturday night to clean again. And on top of all that, I have tried to find time to go to the gym. I have tried to catch up on my zzzz's during the day, but my mind keeps racing and I think of all the things I could be doing instead of napping.
And the craziness won't end on Sunday. I have a crazy week next week as well. I have a Modbe party, and I am also participating in the Oh Sweet Sadie! Art and Gift show next weekend. Which, by the way you should come to. Even if you don't need a Modbe swim suit. My friend Maren will be there with her fabulous jewelry. There will also be: original artwork, home decor, homemade candy, quiet books, hair clips and bows, gowns, baked goods, games, toys, and so much more! I have shopped at this show for the past year and finally decided to take part in it. They even have a supervised playroom for the kids!
Here are some fun pictures from this past week:
My little neice Kendra broke her nose a couple of weeks ago and had to have surgery. We went and visited her yesterday.
P.S. Check out my studly nephew's graduation pics!