Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer time...and the living is easy!

Although it's not officially summer, I certainly feel like it's already here! I am not one who loves the extreme temperatures in the summer (except when I'm at the pool), but I do love summer activities. I also love that Rob is home a little more often during the summer, and it seems like life is more laid back. I love all the family/friend get togethers, yummy BBQs, fireworks, swimming, etc! Last night it really felt like summer. Rob got home a little earlier than normal, we had a delicious dinner, and then we headed in the backyard to let the boys play and enjoy some popsicles. This was Beckett's very first popsicle and he LOVED every second of it! He even had to try a little of every ones.
After we finished our popsicles, we decided to go on a walk and let Wesley ride his scooter. It was such a beautiful night! The weather was perfect and the boys were happy! I love going on family walks. It definitely has a different feel than my morning runs. I get to sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds. It was a perfect way to end the day! This is a famous Beckett face! It is so nerdy, but so funny that we laugh hysterically everytime!
Wesley riding his awesome scooter. He kept saying "I'm so good at scootering Mom!"
Here is Beckett giving me the stink eye! I love this kid!
Rob told Wesley to give him a big smile...this is what he got. I love it! Snot and all!


The Call's said...

Those pictures of the boys are SO SO cute! I love Becketts nerdy one and the stink eye.. that is a crack up! Wesleys big smile is so funny.. it seems kids hear give me a scary big smile when people tell them to smile big! CUTE CUTE CUTE!

Maren Nielsen said...

I love all the faces! Too funny! Im glad you guys had a nice night. Family walks are the best...we need to fit one in soon! We also need to have you guys over for dinner and we can go out on a walk to the park over here. We will talk about it tomorrow...cant wait to hang out in the sun!


Jenny and Brett said...

I swear we have lived outside! Don't you just love getting out of the house after being couped up all winter?? Cute pictures! Your kids are getting so old!

Tasha said...

we just changed our blog address be sure to update it!

The Baker Family said...

How fun! I also love the sun and warmth and all the things summer brings...